The Life Script That Is a Path to Suffering

Transcend the path of emptiness to awaken long-term happiness
The life script that society teaches us to follow is a path to suffering, leaving us clinging to material objects, titles, and unhealthy attachments to other people. The prescribed script focuses on the external achievements of life. Under this way of thinking, our success as human beings is based on how well we follow the script. This script is designed to disconnect us both from ourselves and from humanity.
Many of us have a deep inner knowing that something is missing, yet can’t put a name to the missing piece and we continuously try to fill that void by seeking happiness in material objects which ultimately leads back to the same state of emptiness. The void can never be filled long term by external stuff.
Happiness Exists within Everyone
If we choose the courageous path of awakening to discover who we really are, and why we came into this life, passion will start to fill the void and wisdom and deep connection will begin to unfold. Long-term true happiness is not something you can achieve with material accomplishments or outer success. Happiness exists within all of us, but it’s often buried under denial, pain, and fear.
Ignoring who we are, our needs and our true purpose can eventually lead to depression, anxiety, apathy, loss of self and addiction. We may appear to the outside world as though we have it all together yet we are depressed or feeling disconnected from our truth. Many of us can pull it off for a very long time staying in a safe state of mediocrity, living a quiet desperation without taking that leap into the unknown to remember who we are.
Ultimately we are suffering from loss of self, and have forgotten why we chose to come to this life. We are driven by fear, trying to escape the stress, overwhelm and anxiety brought on by being constantly busy or wired in. We need to re-awaken our truth, our purpose and remember who we are.
Recognize the Seeds of Awakening
Many of us need a lifeline to bring us back, back to our true selves. The good news is, that when we hit that place of anxiety, lack of fulfilment, apathy and depression, we often reach a point of self-reflection—the seed of awakening and the possibility of transformation is hidden in these moments.
The Steps You Take in Life are a Choice
Our journey in this life is one of undoing and freeing ourselves of the restriction and limitations that have been placed upon us from a very young age. Life and healing is about reclaiming ourselves. You will rise like the phoenix if you choose to walk the path of self-remembrance.