The Resurrection of Beauty: Be Who You Are

Beauty has always been within you, waiting to be unveiled and shared with the world. Beauty is a feeling, an energy, a deep inner knowing that you are enough.
Our fears of not being accepted keep our beauty and our truth locked away. Our self judgment and the endless clutter of our minds keep us in a state of mediocrity.
Our fears block our truth and ability to hear the voice of our highest guidance. Our higher self is continuously whispering:” You are beautiful. You are enough. You have everything you need. You are everything you need. You are beauty.”
We cannot protect ourselves from the judgment of others, but we can protect ourselves from our own judgment. Once we awaken our beauty, and I use the word “beauty” as a synonym for “love,” we awaken a deep-seated compassion for everyone. This comes with the recognition that we are all one. We begin to understand that people speaking words of judgment are just suffering and living in that fear based state that is blocking them from hearing their highest guidance.
Focusing on your own inner transformation and awakening to your truth is contagious and you will see those around start to blossom too. So choose you, choose to love yourself unapologetically and do whatever you need to heal. It is not selfish, it is the most powerful gift you can offer the world around you.
Walk through the judgments with grace and compassion. Standing in your power and in your truth, remembering that you were once there.
Imagine a world where we all allowed our inner radiance to shine. Imagine the healing that would happen, the oneness, the vulnerability that would arise. Oh, how beautiful it would be. A revolution of unconditional love begins with you loving you!
You are the beauty you are seeking. You have always been the beauty you are seeking. It is a choice to see it, to feel it, to be it.